Beamline Information

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Source 7.5T MultiPole Wiggler X-ray
Monochromator W-B4C Multilayer Monochromator  Double Laue Monochromator
Energy Range 8.0 -35.0 keV with bandwidth 1-3 % 35-70 keV with bandwidth 1-3
Beam Size 3 cm x 1mm 3 cm x 3 mm
Detector CsI(Tl), YAG scintillators PI PIXIS2KB CCD camera. 2k x 0.5k PCO.edge4.2 sCMOS camera 2k x 2k
Gratings 3 grating system, source, phase and analyzer gratings Opt to 20keV, 35keV, 40keV and 70keV x-ray energy
Samples Biological specimen, Cement, Polymer Blends, Sandstone (porous media),Volcanic glasses


Interferometry setup

Interferometry SetUp